Tuesday, November 9, 2010


 Lovely blogger from New Delhi, India.. check out her lovely blog Bohemian like you


Caroline said...

Would you consider making a sketch of me to my blog?
I have bean following your work for some time now and I have to say I just love it so much!
It's really amazing<3

Arushi Khosla said...

Aw, thanks so much for this, Neysa! Just linked back to you ;) xx

Leia said...

Adorable illustration! You are so talented. I've just had a peek at the rest of your work and I'm blown away!


iris said...

Estoy flipando con tus ilustraciones, en serio, me han puesto la piel de gallina. Enhorabuena y mucha suerte!

Arushi Khosla said...

Hey Neysa!

My blog name has changed to BOHEMIAN LIKE YOU and the new link is http://www.bohemianlikeyou.net although the old fabblab url will automatically redirect to it. Could you please make sure this can be edited to reflect the new changes? Thank you!