I'm very excited and happy to say that I was picked to be in the new "The Art of Disney Princesses." All kinds of work from Disney artists from Disney consumer products, to Disney Animation, and we were all supposed to do our own version or "interpretation" of Disney princess in any medium. I chose digital paintings, and 4 of my submissions were accepted in the book!!

Disney had an event for the book, and we got to sign books and check out all of the artwork by the other artists!
here's Here'san article on it :)
You can get the book at Borders, and amazon! (not sure what other bookstores they chose) wooohoo!

cool! felicidades!
ooooh! Very cool Neysa! I like the Snow White the best!
Neysa es fabuloso!!!
Hola Neysa.
Me gustaron mucho tus diseños, en especial el traje que usa blancanieves, muy buena ilustracion. felicitaciones. Un beso desde las tierras esmeralda.
Wow, that's amazing Neysa! I like the up-close Jasmin one! Textures are really nice.
cool, felicidades. me gustaron las dos de Jasmin. Saludos Neysa!
damn thats really awesome!!!
thanks guys :)
Bravo ! Well done to you :-)
coooool famous now i needz your autograph!!
love your work for this book! I am confused as to how and why I don't own this book yet!
I just recently bought the book and I wanted to say that I was happy to see your entries on there! They are gorgeous :)! You have beautiful work as well!
Si, probablemente lo sea
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